Mini Film Review – Midnight In Paris

Yesterday I watched Midnight in Paris; and it was alright! Directed by Woody Allen, and starring Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Corey Stoll, and Marion Cotillard; Midnight in Paris is a fantasy comedy, about a writer in a struggling relationship with his fiancé, who discovers a portal, which allows him to go back in time and discover what he thinks were Paris‘s golden years. First impressions weren’t great as it took time for a story to actually appear, and the camera quality was rather brown and grainy, which puts your eyes off watching beyond the first three minutes. But once the ‘hero’ starts going back in time, and meeting his heroes, it does start to grow on you. It sort of brings back memories of watching Bullet Train, as in the film features a whole host of cameo stars, and you can’t help but pick them out, and try to figure out who will be next. So, we see early on both Wilson and McAdams, joined later by Michael Sheen, Tom Hiddleston, Carla Bruni, and Stoll. Then comes Kathy Bates, Léa Seydoux, Adrien Brody, and more. It’s a nice little joy bringer in the film’s plot as these recognizable stars join in to play famous faces such as Ernest Hemingway, Salvador Dalí, and Pablo Picasso to name but a few. And whilst all this is going on, we get a nice touch of drama too, as two characters go through an unlikely to work relationship, to be replaced with an all too likely impossible one. It’s an interesting film, which provides a few smiles, and a touch of drama, to create, not necessarily a gripping piece; but an alright one, which will easily bring a pleasing smile to your day!

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