Writing Prompt – Fantasy Wrestling

Put on a Wrestling show, but with a twist of Fantasy!


Whether you love it or hate it (it is truly one of those kind of things), Professional Wrestling is and has always been mega popular, plus, given it’s fake/pre-determined nature, it is a great setting and environment for some creative writing. Think about all the mega stars of wrestling, and how many of them used very thematic gimmicks and names; Like:

Even wrestlers with real names have characters which seem too good to be true, or even fantastical.

But for this prompt, why not Wrestling with a touch of the Fantasy Genre? Why not consider putting on a wrestling show, but in a Fantasy World? Fantasy does borrow a lot from ancient history and mythology, and so Gladiator-esque combat scenes are pretty common. But what if that deadly match between two Gladiators was fake? How bloody and gorey can you get it, but where both people survive for another show, and another, and another?


Why not have fights with deadly beasts, but where the beasts also survive? Perhaps even have mythical creatures as the ‘Heels‘, and can even win championships?

And what about Entrance Music, imagine some of the all time great entrance themes, but being played on more primitive instruments, or being composed by magical instruments?

But, if you are someone who prefers a more moderrn twist, why not put on a wrestling show in the here and now, but with Fantasy like elements? Super Moves powered by personal wings, or magic potion crafting from things brought in by the fans. Why not some superpowers? Consider that some wrestlers like The Great Muta sprayed openents with green mist, why not make it acidic, or spray blue tinted napalm? If you need further inspiration, consider watching/playing some classic fighting video games like Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, or Tekken.

And what about special types of matches? Where now we have Ladders, Cages, and others, what kind of matches would happen in a fantasy match?


But remember, this is a wrestling show, so ideally the stars would need to survive, even with the most horrific of injuries…and what would happen if someone died…could that be considered murder?

2 thoughts on “Writing Prompt – Fantasy Wrestling

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  1. some fun ideas here, would be cool to see it developed further, maybe line up a little tournament sometime?

    and if someone died… maybe that means they compete as a wraith or ghost in the next round? although i’m not sure how you’d go about wrestling if you were intangible


    1. Well there is a monster in Quarriors which is just a Ghost, so in a Fantasy setting its kind of possible, plus Ghosts were also possible in Dungeon Keeper too.

      I also think it could be quite funny for a character to have their arm being constantly torn off then put back on after each fight, like the Black Knight in Monty Python.


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